About Me
I am an Assistant Professor at the University of Nottingham, at the School of Computer Science. I am a member of the Cyber-physical Health and Assistive Robotics Technologies (CHART) research group. My research mainly focuses on language understanding for assistive robots. Given my multidisciplinary academic background, I believe that equipping robots with the ability to understand and use natural language is an essential step towards making robots more versatile and adaptable. This has many potential applications in manufacturing, medical surgery or healthcare.
Vision and Language
Multimodal Perception
Human-Robot Interaction
Robot Learning
Robot Audition
🎓 Ph.D in Signal Processing and Robotics, 2013-2016
Université Rennes 1 , Inria/IRISA, France
🎓 M.Sc. in Robotics an Intelligent Systems, 2012
Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
🎓 B.Sc. in Robotics an Intelligent Systems, 2010
Université Paul Sabatier, Toulouse, France
Selected Publications
Mélodie Daniel, Aly Magassouba, Miguel Aranda, Laurent Lequièvre, Juan Antonio Corrales Ramón, Roberto Iglesias Rodriguez, and Youcef Mezouar. Multi actor-critic DDPG for robot action space decomposition: A framework to control large 3D deformation of soft linear objects. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, volume 9, pages 1318–1325. IEEE, 2024.
Aly Magassouba, Komei Sugiura, and Hisashi Kawai. Crossmap transformer: A crossmodal masked path transformer using double back-translation for vision-and-language navigation. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, volume 6, pages 6258–6265. IEEE, 2021.
Aly Magassouba, Komei Sugiura, and Hisashi Kawai. A multimodal classifier generative adversarial network for carry and place tasks from ambiguous language instructions. IEEE Robotics and Automation Letters, volume 3, pages 3113–3120. IEEE, 2018.
Aly Magassouba, Nancy Bertin, and François Chaumette. Aural servo: sensor-based control from robot audition. IEEE Transactions on Robotics, volume 34, pages 572–585. IEEE, 2018.
Notable achievements
🏆 IEEE/RSJ IROS 2018 RoboCup Best Paper Award
🏆 1st Place World Robot Summit 2018, Partner Robot Challenge/Virtual Space
🏆 2018 Artificial Intelligence Society Award
🏆2018 Japanese Society for Artificial Intelligence Annual Conference Award